Kajakfahren im Winter

3 Stunden Kajaktour mit Fika

Schnelle Informationen

Winterkajakfahren im Stockholmer Schärengarten ist ein unvergessliches und magisches Erlebnis.

Entfliehen Sie dem überfüllten Stadtzentrum, steigen Sie in eines unserer Kajaks und erkunden Sie den Schärengarten aus der besten Perspektive. Die Gegend um Vaxholm ist einer der schönsten Orte zum Paddeln. Genießen Sie die frische, klare Luft und den Blick über die Schären, der in blasse Töne geht.

Bewundern Sie die spektakuläre Natur, sehen Sie die malerischen Holzhäuschen und lauschen Sie den Geschichten der Einheimischen. Probieren Sie die schwedische Fika in der Natur und spüren Sie die Ruhe, obwohl sie nur 30 Minuten von Stockholm entfernt ist.

Nach dem Kajakfahren im Winter können Sie unsere traditionelle Holzsauna besuchen und ein kaltes Bad im Meer nehmen, um die Schären in vollen Zügen zu genießen.

Im Winter herrschen in Schweden unterschiedliche Temperaturen, daher sind Schichten das A und O! Sie werden mit einem Trockenanzug und Stiefeln ausgestattet, die Sie trocken halten, aber Sie brauchen trotzdem gute Schichten darunter, um warm zu bleiben. Vermeiden Sie Baumwolle (und Jeans) und greifen Sie zu Synthetik-, Woll- und Thermokleidung.

  • Unterschicht: warme Thermounterwäsche, vorzugsweise aus Merinowolle (Strumpfhose und Langarm)
  • Mittlere Schicht: Wanderhose / eine weitere Strumpfhose und ein langärmeliges Fleece
  • 2 Paar warme Socken vorzugsweise aus Wolle
  • Warme Mütze
Bitte tragen Sie keinen Schmuck. Sie müssen Armbänder, Uhren, Ohrringe und Ringe entfernen, bevor Sie den Trockenanzug anziehen.

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Izzy J
The highlight of our week - do not miss out! My boyfriend and I took part in this activity and we both agree it was the highlight of our week in Stockholm! I was really nervous having not kayaked before but the tour guides were very good and patient in their teaching of the technique and the trip was incredibly enjoyable. We could not recommend more highly!
James C
Highly Recommend this Fun, Relaxed Kayaking Tour. We only had a small group of 4 but he was very interactive and made sure we understood everything and pointed out some great things about the area. I would highly recommend this trip, and thank you Andy! Will definitely come back for the warm version next time I’m in Stockholm!
Ramona M
It was a beautiful adventure, despite the snow and the wind. It completed our Stockholm experience in the perfect way! Andy is an amazing guy, experienced guide, very entertaining and friendly. The homemade chocolate and the cup of hot tea we enjoyed on the shore mid-tour offered a great taste of the fika culture. Would recommend the whole experience in a heartbeat!
Kevin V
The highlight of our Sweden trip! The kayaking tour was absolutely beautiful. Our guide was wonderful, very friendly and gave us just the right amount of information about the surrounding area and Swedish culture. This was the coolest thing we did on our entire trip to Sweden, and I cannot recommend it enough!
Kristin D
Fantastic opportunity to explore the natural beauty right outside Stockholm! This was such a fantastic opportunity to get out of the city and enjoy the beauty of Sweden and the Stockholm Archipelago. Fika was a lovely stop along the way. If you don't have a car, it is a very easy trip out to the center. Such a lovely experience all around!
Christina L
We loved the kayak tour! Our guide Andy was super nice, took good care of us and entertained us with interesting facts about the region, Sweden in general and nature during kayaking. The tour was my personal highlight of our visit in Stockholm. We definitely recommend it and we are hooked.
Best way to experience Stockholm! Don't hesitate booking this trip - it is a fantastic way to see what Stockholm is all about. Had the most amazing time! Andy and Milena are the perfect guides and you felt very safe and looked after. Will definitely be back for even longer adventures!
Ellen DN
Great experience! I really enjoyed our trip around Vaxholm. It's a lovely experience for beginners to explore the world of sea kayaking. Milena will give you some great tips and will take you to some wonderful places around the archipelago. Whether if you come alone or with your family, you will enjoy this trip!

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