Grocery stores Archipelago
Places where you can find stores in archipelago
Time and distance
Estimating distance for better route planning
When to go kayaking
Learn about weather and seasons
Weather forecasts
Check recommended weather sites and apps The weather in Stockholm Archipelago tends to be slightly better the further you get from the mainland. Often when it is pouring in Stockholm there is brilliant sun in the outer skerries. We use to say “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes”. So come prepared […]
Kayaking safety tips
Kayak safety tips for beginners
Finnhamn and Husarö
5-6 day kayak trip
4-5 day kayak trip
Sea Kayaking Fundamentals
Basic 2
Idyllic Sunset Kayaking
2.5-Hour Bliss: Sunset Adventure Awaits
Kayak Intro
Basic 1